My personal thoughts and reflections     Personal Reflections on the Kakisage

The Kakisage is often spoken of as being the tenth Besseki Lecture. After a period of preparation, recipients of  the Kakisage, having just been granted the truth of the Sazuke, are advised to read daily and ponder its intended meaning. My own ponderings change day by day, according to the state and truth of my mind at any given time. Upon reflection I find that my thoughts and ponderings change, not only day to day but moment to moment. In that regard I will attempt to be guided in my ponderings by the two poems from the Ofudesaki appearing below.

From now on I shall speak in the metaphor of water.
Be enlightened by the word clear and muddy.
Ponder this: no matter how clear the water may be,
if you put mud into it, it will become muddy.

"Daily and always, I say daily and always: sincerity alone. At first glance, people may think that the mind of sincerity is weak, but there is nothing firmer or more enduring than sincerity. Sincerity alone is the truth of heaven. Because it is the truth of heaven, I accept it at once and give a return at once; this is the one truth. Understand this well."

"Daily and always" implies a fundamental understanding as the foundation for all of our future self-centered thinking. In that regard we are hastened to ponder deeply and replace the foundation of our thinking, the foundation of our mind that did not know its true origin, and had previously relied on being the sole owner of a body; with the mind of Moonsun. That is a self-centered imagination that understands the one truth of origin (simultaneously understanding the one original light and its constantly changing reflections) and the intention in the creation of human beings as fundamental in all matters. Such a mind is the mind of sincerity. It is the "truth of heaven" and the "true art."

"People may think the mind of sincerity is weak": If our worldly common expectations remain our guide it is quite easy to think that the mind that received the truth of the "Sazuke" came and went but didn't deliver what was expected. There is also the almost instant hostility that rises up in defense from a self-centered imagination, that feels threatened, fearful, or in "rebellion", at the thought of being totally settled and made quiet. The truth of the matter is that the "mind of sincerity" has no evil intention at all and gives rise to the entire universe. That truth can be tested and proven in the "mind like clear water" and savored by the mind of sincerity. There is no greater power.

Note that the intention is to know both the imagination and its true origin. It is knowledge and understanding of the mind of Moonsun, the one light and its changing reflections. Such a mind is free to joyously play in the free and unlimited workings that rise out of the parental mind of the original one.