From "Lectures on the Doctrine of Tenrikyo" by Shozen Nakayama the 2nd Shinbashira of Tenrikyo,
an English Translation
"To compile this Doctrine of Tenrikyo we based ourselves primarily on
the Ofudesaki; The Tip of the Writing brush".
Fortunately - although it is not necessary when following a path of Single-Hearted Salvation, where true sincerity in leaning on our original Parental Heart is the true art, as in the quick awakening that is the "Sazuke" - we are able to follow this example and through our close study of the Ofudesaki poems draw on the Model Path. The problems encountered in "opening just a narrow path of Single-Hearted Salvation are shown for those who would volunteer and consent to work as "timbers", "intermediaries", "pioneers", "instruments" and the like in finding of opening new paths of Single-Hearted Salvation. That is the opening of new paths that are appropriate for the time, place and level of maturity for all of the minds of the world equally.
The majority of minds of the world will never read or even hear of the Ofudesaki poems; even so, all will eventually return and awaken. For those who have access to and the desire to understand the Ofudesaki Poems, they offer a rare opportunity and a call for consent and service.