From "Lectures on the Doctrine of Tenrikyo" by Shozen Nakayama the 2nd Shinbashira of Tenrikyo
"It [Ofudesaki] does not
always set forth the teachings in order of increasing depth. In
addition, the Ofudesaki sometimes repeats teachings already stated before,
we considered the Ofudesaki basically as the source in which we are to find
the essence of the teachings."
This is an important point for us to consider. The entire way of the
teaching is completely shown in each of the seventeen chapters of poems.
Each chapter differs only as various ways of demonstrating, a model example
of a way of entering into the "muddy water" that is a particular set of
worldly common truths commonly held at that time and place; the intention
of each chapter is always the same. Which is to hasten the quick awakening
that is single-hearted salvation, ("kami-ichijo"), the truth of origin that
is revealed in the totally purified "mind like clear water".
(Ofudesaki II:29)