Newpath Tenrikyo
My self-centered imagination is an "emergent property"
The concept of an "emergent property" appears in scientific and philosophic literature. I am neither a scientist or a philosopher and so my intention is to speak of the impact that seriously pondering, my simple understanding, of the "emergent property" concept, as it informs my efforts to understand the meaning of the Tenrikyo Ofudesaki Poems that speak of the origin of my mind and the original cause of all things in detail.
I understand an "emergent property" as something about which a good deal can be known without knowing anything at all about the its origin or its original cause.
When applied to my self-centered imagination, I know all sorts of things, such as my thoughts about myself, my constantly changing and evolving self image, and also what I think I know about other people and the world. That is to say, what I think of my knowledge of my constantly changing and evolving common truths of my world. All of that temporary and evolving knowledge does not however, reveal the true origin of my mind or the knowledge of the original cause of all things in detail.
Pondering deeply with the "emergent property" concept in mind, the following Ofudesaki poems often come to mind.
Although it is commonly assumed that the Ofudesaki Poems are concerned primarily with the cause and cure of illness and trouble, they are also addressed to those who have a deep interest in discovering the true origin of their human mind, the true original cause of all things in detail.