Tenrikyo Dynamic Mission THE MODEL LIFE
The model life of Miki Nakayama brings to mind a comparison to be made and a path to be followed. Because the Model Life is available to us we can compare our mind with Miki's mind prior to Her awakening and with God's mind after Her awakening. Of course we can also compare our mind with the model path of single hearted salvation that She as a "shrine of God" crafted for us to quickly follow and in so doing insure that we are on our way to sure and quick realization of single heartedness with God.
The ingredients for the recipe are Consciousness (Heart), Mind (self centered imagination) and Sincerity (true or common). Everybody on earth has those three ingredients at hand. If the recipe isn't working for us then there is either something wrong with the recipe, which is unlikely as everyone anywhere who has followed the recipe exactly as given is delighted with the enjoyment of the same outcome, or it isn't being followed correctly, which of course is much more likely as almost everyone has their own ideas of what the recipe is and how it is intended to be made. All of the great chefs agree however that a failed recipe involves either too much imagination or not enough sincerity or both. To solve the problem of "too many cooks" we are given the sure measure for preparing and insuring a successful outcome. That measure is the "mind like clear water". Without the knowledge and understanding that is given to the "mind like clear water" the recipe is sure to fail.