Tenrikyo Dynamic Mission Sides / Opening New Paths

side dishes are not exclusively
prepared with the original family recipe but rather represent some of my
personal reflections and ponderings on the flavor and intention of the original
family recipe.
My intention in writing down those ponderings
and reflections has to do with my efforts to understand the "Model of
Parental Love" shown by the original parental consciousness of all human
beings equally and to find new ways to open new paths for returning the
self-centered imagination to its original pristine condition. Ways that are
appropriate for the time, the place and the level of maturity of anyone
who would like to know the freedom and limitless workings that even now
exist and flow from
the true origin of their mind.
Since knowledge of the
true origin of the mind also reveals the original truth of self, the
awakening and revelation of which impacts everything in detail, the side
dishes often deal with the way in which my own imagined self or self
centered imagination was laid down and accumulated over time, like dust
gathering on a mirror or on
the lens of
a looking glass. In my own case that dust eventually appeared to me as the
the truth of myself and the truths of my world. In other words whatever I
thought or imagined was seen by me to be both a real and true view of the
world. My personal reflections are then intended to show a quick and tested
way of awakening to the distinction between the truth of the original self
of all equally (God's mind) and the worldly common truths of the
limited self-centered imagination.
Since no two human minds are exactly the same, once the distinction between
original consciousness and the self-centered imagination is made it becomes
possible to follow the Model of Parental Love in trying to find ways
appropriate for the time, place and level of spiritual maturity of anyone
who would like to awaken to the the true origin of their mind, the truth of
self, the true origin and cause of all things in detail.
TENRIKYO MINISTRY Microsoft Word Document
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