Newpath Tenrikyo - Tenrikyo Dynamic - STRIVING TO MATURE
Ordinarily our self centered imaginations are drawn to shared beliefs and consensus realities. In common terms those shared beliefs and consensus realities are held in categorical containers such as personal experiences, general education, philosophies, political parties, religions, sects, cults and cultures. Though they can be categorized they are not limited to those categories and are broadly used as principles to guide our thinking in all sorts of situations. Generally speaking all one needs to do to belong to a consensus reality is to share the beliefs that make up that shared reality. Because of that, philosophies, political parties, religions, sects, cults and cultures tend to strive for continuity of tradition and the maintenance of the absolute truth of the shared beliefs.
In contrast the teaching that is the Tenrikyo Dynamic strives to promote radical change in the way in which the world is perceived in all matters. To accomplish that radical change in perception the Tenrikyo Dynamic teaches a path that is meant to be quickly followed to maturity and the radical outcome of a complete change in the foundation of our thinking. The Tenrikyo Dynamic is then all about completely removing all of the ideas and beliefs that occupy our self-centered imaginations, quickly and briefly, just long enough for us to be able to enjoy what remains as knowing and understanding the true origin of the human mind.
The Path of the Tenrikyo Dynamic teaching is then by definition "dynamic" in its execution and in its intent. The intent of the Tenrikyo Dynamic teaching is the utilization of all means to show the way to quickly and totally purify the human self centered imagination and replace its foundation with the knowledge and understanding of the true origin of the mind. In the terms of metaphor this purification of the mind is described as crawling out of the "muddy water" or settling the "muddy water" until it is completely clear.
Sincere effort in this task is immediately answered with help from God's mind as it exists at the heart and core of every human mind and for that matter at the heart and core of everything that exists.
To that end the Tenrikyo Dynamic teaching maintains a model path that was crafted to be appropriate for the minds of villagers living on the Yamato plain in the mid to late 19th century. The model path itself though cast in the 19th century is also dynamic as it demonstrates several different ways that were used to address a variety of different imaginations in a particular time and place as well as demonstrating a variety of different the means to help those self centered imaginations mature to the point that they might quickly step out onto a path of single-hearted salvation through a totally sincere, purified mind.
The Model Path ("Hinagata") maintained as the blueprint for the Tenrikyo Dynamic teaching is applicable to the self-centered imaginations of people living in any time and place. As it is Dynamic, it is never static and always hastens the quick replacement of the foundation of the self-centered imagination by what ever means work to purify the mind and return it to its original pristine condition. From that awakened point of view a mind can re-enter the world with a free and unlimited point of view that can easily distinguish between the original and the imaginary, the good and the evil. That free and unlimited point of view is something that in most circumstances static belief systems cannot provide.
The instant that a self-centered imagination begins a sincere effort, work or service ( "tsutome") of intentional purifying the mind, that mind begins to change, mature and evolve. The instant that a self-centered imagination pulls back from or tries to stop the progress of that radical change, that self-centered imagination immediately gets stuck because it is either unwilling or unable to further mature. In the terms of the Tenrikyo Dynamic teaching that regrettable action is described as sliding back into the "muddy water".
Any kind of human mind, anywhere at any time can avail itself of the help of its true and original parental mind by sincerely striving to quickly mature and awaken to the free and unlimited workings of a joyous life, just as it has always been intended for us. As this path may seem difficult to understand or to follow our original parent has provided "intermediaries" around the world to show the way. Those intermediaries can be easily identified as they are always talking about and striving to find new means for hastening maturity for the purification and settling of the self-centered imagination back into the original parental heart, becoming single hearted ("kami ichijoo") with the true origin of the mind, the mind and intention of God that exists at the core of our being.
Because we have free use of our mind, that is our self-centered imagination, we have to allow our self to mature and awaken. Though we selfishly may want to have it both ways and hold onto our self centered dream and single heartedness at the same time, to awaken we have to sincerely allow our self to let go of our self centered dream and wake up.
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