Revealing the true origin of one's mind Personal Ponderings and Self Reflections on the Kakisage

But what path will be seen tomorrow?
The core of your mind will become apparent.
When this mind is fully apparent,
no one will be able to turn away.
When this is seen, all of you, whoever you may be,
will bow your head and truly ponder.
Now ponder!
If only the settling of this mind is definitely accomplished..

1 The one truth you must uphold as your mind for a lifetime
2 You must listen and understand well the one truth after the order of the lectures.
3 I shall not tell you, nor can I tell you, to do this or that.
4 Now, with human beings: the body is a thing lent by God
5 I accept all truths whatever
6 There is only one of free and unlimited workings
7 Daily and always
8 One more thing, if there is the truth of sincerity alone
9 Helping one another is a truth you teach
10 the real truth of sincerity alone
11 this truth is for all situations
12 Carry on in your occupations each day
13 carry on without change far into the future
14 About the Sazuke
  A brief Summary of my personal ponderings and reflections on "The Kakisage"